Cindi Marsh
May 2023
John Muir Health
United States




She fought for her patient’s recovery, and in turn, her patient started fighting for herself.
Cindi is a champion of her patients. She is a true inspiration and someone who truly cares about people. Nursing is not just a job to her but a way to make a difference in every life she touches. She recently demonstrated this by motivating a 32-year-old patient to fight for her recovery. This patient recently had to have a trach as she is currently vent dependent. This patient has a devoted husband and young children. She was also depressed over her situation. She wanted to just lay in bed and be on pain medication constantly. Cindi did not give up on her patient. She asked the doctor to discontinue the IV medication and change it to something to help but not sedate the patient. She refused to let her patient lay in bed and insisted she get up and start to return to normal activities. She insisted she use a commode. She insisted she had to be out of bed most of the day. She insisted she would walk. Cindi told her to fight for herself and her children, and if she did Cindi would help her. Cindi made time to ambulate her patient twice daily which is very time-consuming and requires coordination of several staff members. This did not deter Cindi. She fought for her patient’s recovery, and in turn, her patient started fighting for herself. Cindi made a difference not because she is paid to but because she wanted to. Cindi cares. Cindi is my inspiration and an inspiration to many others around her. We need more Cindis in this world.