Holly Joseph
May 2023
GI Lab and Pulmonary Clinics
Joseph Maxwell Cleland Atlanta VA Medical Center
United States




Holly stepped up and worked with her team providing the needed moral support for the nurses.
Ms. Holly Joseph has been an extraordinary Leader and Acting Nurse Manager in one of the busiest Outpatient departments for the past few years. Every time there is a leadership crisis, Holly is there for her nurses and the veterans. During the Covid Pandemic, GI like many units experienced a large turnover of staff. Veterans had to reschedule elective procedures during this time.

Once the GI lab started rescheduling these veterans, there was a high volume of cases with minimal nurses. Holly stepped up and worked with her team providing the needed moral support for the nurses. She also sought help from the other managers to help the department. Holly also worked on the weekends, supporting the Saturday Clinic. She always brings snacks to appreciate those who were willing to work on a Saturday after a busy week. She always goes above and beyond for the veterans and their families. The Saturday clinic initiative is one of the ways Holly helps the veterans get the care they need in a timely manner.