Melissa Wilson
April 2023
Nursing Resource Pool
Trinity Health Oakland
United States




Not only has Melissa been a light of hope to other staff she has given our patient population the care and peace while in the hospital that they deserve.
Melissa has been placed in many situations this last year where she has had to put her critical thinking 1st and her own needs last. She is so selfless many nights that I have watched her balance more patients than expected, she never got upset and took care of each patient as if they were her own family. Melissa has mentored other staff members, teaching them to just take 1 step at a time and always stay calm and focused. Not only has Melissa been a light of hope to other staff she has given our patient population the care and peace while in the hospital that they deserve. Melissa continues to always have a smile even with a mask on. Her eyes show her compassion, her voice calming, and her character is one that leads by example. Melissa would make Florence Nightingale proud. She truly reminds us all of why we became nurses.