Breanna Edgeworth
April 2023
Mississippi Baptist Medical Center
United States




She anticipated our questions and was always ready with answers that helped to ease our minds and comfort our hearts.
Sometimes life can give us unexpected hardships, and it is during those times that we often receive some of life’s greatest blessings! I recently had a lengthy stay in the hospital due to a severe medical issue that left me unable to take care of myself in almost every way. The nurses and doctors were more than amazing as they diligently worked to ease my symptoms and try to solve this medical mystery. Although I am beyond grateful for each and every one of them, there was one special nurse who blessed me and my family in countless ways! She anticipated our questions and was always ready with answers that helped to ease our minds and comfort our hearts. She seemed to know just what we needed before we even asked. I am certain she must have hidden wings, as she was a complete angel to us. I am on the other side of that issue (at least for now), but the tender love and care from Breanna Edgeworth played a significant role in my healing process!

I thank the Lord for placing a ‘calling’ on this special lady-a call to love and serve the sick! She has left sweetheart prints on me and my family.

May God bless, keep and protect all those at Baptist Hospital!