May 2023
Missouri Baptist University School of Nursing
Saint Louis
United States




She displays empathy, care, and the compassion of Christ towards people of diverse ages and backgrounds.
There have been countless times when Caitlyn displayed above-and-beyond care and compassion to patients, fellow students, and faculty as an MBU nursing student.

To give you a glimpse into the heart Caitlyn has for Jesus and her patients, here is one of her reflections describing her ministry of care: “I will cry for my patients, I will laugh with them, I will walk alongside them as they shuffle slowly down the hall with their crowded IV pole in tow. I will snuggle sweet babes so their mamas and daddies can take a break, and I will play make-believe with a toddler so their four blue walls feel even a little less isolating. And I will do all this knowing that this is how God has called me to be His hands and feet in an evil and dark world. The baby I’m holding, the child I’m singing to, the teen I’m chatting with—they may not know Jesus. But because of me allowing God to work through my body as a vessel, they will absolutely know His love. When your heart is in your work, you can do it for the Lord, which definitely makes nursing a ministry of Jesus."

While Caitlyn's passion for children is undeniable, she doesn't limit her kindness to them. She displays empathy, care, and the compassion of Christ towards people of diverse ages and backgrounds. The DAISY Award recognizes registered nurses who embody the essence of nursing care, and we are confident that Caitlyn will receive many more awards like this throughout her career.