Megan Stellwag
May 2022
Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center
United States




I can count on her clinical judgment, be it in triage or with critically ill patients. You can always count on Megan and more importantly, so can her patients.
Megan has grown as a leader in her charge RN role. She gets the big picture and recognizes the importance of working as a team and seeing as many patients early before staffing thins. She is ready to assist not just providers but her nurses as well. She does a great job balancing it all with humility. Most importantly, her cheesy, positive attitude brings a sense of reassurance to the night team. Even on the most trying of shifts with no staff, and non-stop EMS, she finds a silver lining to bring a smile and laughter to the department. I can count on her clinical judgment, be it in triage or with critically ill patients. You can always count on Meghan and more importantly, so can her patients. I would want my loved one to be cared for by her because she is dependable, patient, smiling with a calming disposition, smart and humble. She treats everyone she encounters with respect, compassion, and optimism.