Courtney Wilder
October 2022
Post Anesthesia Care Unit
Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center
United States




Never in my life have I encountered a healthcare professional who exercised the extreme level of care, compassion, and competence that Courtney did
I underwent a surgical procedure to have a hernia repaired. Afterward, during postoperative care, I was unable to relieve myself. The nurse providing my care at that time was Courtney. I am writing to nominate her for the DAISY Award.

I am a past EMS Coordinator having served three years in that position at Rappahannock General Hospital, a Bon Secours hospital in Kilmarnock, Virginia. In that position, one function of that role was to provide medical care oversight to the hundreds of EMS providers who brought patients to our hospital. I also worked closely with all the hospital staff to include doctors, nurses, and all diagnostic personnel. Prior to that, I was an Intermediate certified Emergency Medical Technician.

I am seventy-seven. Never in my life have I encountered a healthcare professional who exercised the extreme level of care, compassion, and competence that Courtney did as I struggled in vain hour upon hour to relieve myself. She understood that I have a warranted fear of being catheterized, and did everything and anything she could to avoid that procedure. When it finally became evident that I would need to relent and let her take care of things, she did so in a fashion that surprised me with her tenderness, her expertise, and her regard for my fears and any pain that I might suffer. She made the entire procedure a successful non-event and I was subsequently moved to a room for observation. When it was done, even though she had worked beyond the end of her shift, she would not leave my side until I was safely and comfortably placed in the hands of the nursing staff on duty where I was moved.

This has been a long and trying year for me health-wise. The details are not important. What is important is the Bon Secours team of doctors and nurses, the staff and amenities of the Reinhart Guest House, and most especially, Courtney and her care, were the bright spots. Please honor her and give her a big hug from myself and my wife. She deserves it, if anyone does.