Diane Best
April 2023
Registered Midwife
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust- King's Mill Hospital
United Kingdom




I truly feel that Diane’s kind, non-judgmental, knowledgeable support and care throughout my pregnancy and postnatally has had the biggest impact on my mental health of any treatment I have had in the last 11 years since my first mental health appointment.
I have diagnoses of autism, PTSD, and a complex mental health history. I have worked with Diane from being I was 27 weeks pregnant and in threatened preterm labour following a car accident. I was so scared and had no idea how to calm my anxiety for my unborn baby. Diane came to see me during my stay at Kings Mill as I was crying in the maternity ward saying how it was my fault. Diane calmly and logically helped me to analyse the situation and realize that those circumstances were out of my control. It meant so much to be reassured that I was a good mum and be helped to see all the things I had done to protect my baby in this situation. Eventually, after a 2 day stay for observation and steroids for my baby’s lungs, we overcame the risk and went home. Diane regularly called and checked on my wellbeing as I transferred my care to Kings Mill. She visited me at home where she provided both excellent, evidence-based mental health support despite my complex needs as I navigated the challenges of pregnancy and worries about being a good parent after a traumatic childhood. As well as this, Diane provided high-quality maternity healthcare, including Doppler checks on my baby and wellbeing checks for me which provided much-needed reassurance. In my third trimester, I was admitted several times to the maternity ward with reduced movements, threatened preterm, PPROM, and ultimately for a planned induction which then became an emergency cesarean birth. 

Diane helped me throughout these challenges to manage my mental health and have faith in my ability to become a parent. Thanks to the mental health alert and care plan we made together and she personally ensured was printed and in my notes ready for the maternity ward and birthing unit staff, I was able to access reasonable adjustments to make my hospital stays more manageable as staff was aware of my mental health and my individual needs.

During each of my admissions, she made an effort to come to the ward to check in and provide emotional support for myself and my husband, as well as practical advice. When I was scared about my upcoming birth after my waters began leaking at 34 weeks meaning my original birth plan went out the window, Diane both validated my fears and feelings and provided me with information to understand the options being presented to me and therefore make informed decisions about everything from induction methods to pain relief, helping me feel calmer and more in control. When I went for my induction, she informed me that she would check in and ensure I was comfortable on the ward after a previous negative experience. 

When Diane came to visit during my induction, I was beginning to struggle. I was in my 7th hour of the Syntocinon drip and my 13th hour of the IOL process and had been told that my cervix wasn’t dilating. My consultant had informed me that if the situation didn’t change soon, she would recommend me for a cesarean section. This was my worst nightmare. However, Diane explained the process to me plainly, answering all my questions so I was aware of what would happen, why, and which points would be painful or uncomfortable if I did have a cesarean birth. She then liaised with the maternity ward to ensure that there would be a room ready for me and my husband on the maternity ward after the birth, which we had agreed previously would support my mental health postnatally. After this discussion, I felt empowered and strong and asked the consultant for the operation myself when she next came to examine me. 

The morning after my son’s birth, Diane came to check how we were doing and see how I felt about the birth. This meant a lot to me and gave me an opportunity to reflect on the whole process, which thanks to both the preparation we had done and the fantastic surgical team, was a positive one. 

I had a difficult stay in the postnatal ward as my son was ill with severe jaundice and needed trips to and from NICU twice a day for antibiotics as well. Thanks to the care plan Diane made for me, my son was always accompanied by my husband for these trips and we were not separated at any time. This really helped me to cope with what was a difficult time for my family. 

Since coming home, Diane has continued regular contact and support. I have called her on several occasions feeling worried, severely hormonal, and doubting myself and my ability to parent my son well through various issues, including severe thrush and a tongue tie affecting my breastfeeding journey, to sheer exhaustion in those early weeks, to being admitted to hospital following a diagnosis of a newly discovered heart condition. Each and every time, Diane calmly validated and supported me and reassured me about my ability to parent my son and his excellent development. As well as supporting my mental health without ever making me feel a burden or irrational, she has provided practical breastfeeding support, helped my husband and me to navigate the challenges of becoming parents, recommended evidence-based reading and research, and calmly supported me when I shared my anxieties and overwhelming emotions since becoming a first-time mother. 

I was discharged from her care yesterday as I am now feeling calmer, and more capable, and I have a wonderful relationship with my son. I truly feel that Diane’s kind, non-judgmental, knowledgeable support and care throughout my pregnancy and postnatally has had the biggest impact on my mental health of any treatment I have had in the last 11 years since my first mental health appointment. She has helped me to navigate some of the biggest challenges of my life and come out the other side believing in myself as a good parent despite my traumatic childhood. I feel she is an absolute credit to the Trust and my little family will always be grateful for the help she gave us to get to this lovely stage. I would love to see her receive a DAISY Award in recognition of the tireless work she does for mums like me and our babies. I can’t think of anyone more deserving.