Catherine Morgan
May 2023
Education Department
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
United Kingdom




She has touched so many lives, souls, and minds setting aside her own struggles in order to deliver high-quality training. She has helped hundreds, or even over a thousand of Internationally Educated Nurses, to achieve their UK Registered Nurse dreams.
Catherine has been a nurse in the Trust since early 2000. She has gained extensive
experience considering her moving from one department to another until eventually she found her heart's desire in teaching and landed as the International Nurse Education Lead in the Clinical Education Department.

In 2016, she spearheaded the OSCE training for Internationally Educated Nurses (OSCE
Nurses) in order to pass their OSCE, get their registration and NMC pin. Working on her own, she started conducting the said training in a small room in Level 7, used the available resources that she had back then, and innovated materials like using some oranges as a representation of an arm to inject an intramuscular medication. Prior to 2016, she also facilitated bespoke programme for EU nurses coming to the Trust and currently, she has now a team of four delivering mainly OSCE training but not limited to other clinical skills.

I know I'm not the only one who can attest to how special Catherine is. She is a perfect example of a 6C - caring, compassionate, courageous, committed, competent, and a very good communicator. I'm sure every Internationally Educated Nurse whom she has trained will agree with me that she is one of a kind, high caliber educator. She has touched so many lives, souls, and minds setting aside her own struggles in order to deliver high-quality training. She has helped hundreds, or even over a thousand of Internationally Educated Nurses, to achieve their UK Registered Nurse dreams.

From a personal experience, one of the many instances that Catherine showed me a very special act of kindness not only as a nurse but as a manager and as a mum was when I learned that my Nan was nearing end of life because of cancer and complications. Catherine was there for me all throughout. She allowed me to fly immediately to my home country upon hearing and let me stay with my Nan until she passed away. It made a huge impact on me as she sorted necessary arrangements for me, going above and beyond, so I won't be thinking a lot of things whilst I am at my lowest. After that, she made sure that I am ok to go back to work and I felt very supported and valued not only as her colleague but as a human being.

I want to end this message by saying, with a full and grateful heart, a million thanks to Catherine. I believe this is not only from myself but also on behalf of every EU and Internationally Educated Nurse whom she has met and trained.


Catherine has been training International Nurses who have to undertake the NMC OSCE exam to gain their PIN, for over 7 years. In that period she has trained over 700 OSCE Nurses in 115 cohorts. Many of these nurses have travelled thousands of miles and have left their families behind to begin their nursing career in the NHS. Being such a distance from family is stressful, but then having to undergo OSCE training and exams as well as being in a strange country just adds to that stress. However, Catherine is a huge support to the international Nurses, in fact, I have heard that she is like a mum to them.  Providing them with support and guidance as well as exceptional training, staff know they can approach Catherine at any time if they have any concerns. Part of Catherine’s role is to prepare the International Nurses for their OSCE exam, this is done through simulation training which also helps to promote confidence.

Catherine is a staunch advocate of international nurse recruits. The processes involved in ensuring these nurses reach NMC registration have changed over the years.  Catherine has been courageous in her support of the cohorts, ensuring changes are embedded, and never afraid to voice opinions about what may work better for her students. She has worked collaboratively with our peer organisations, sharing learning and process, and is recognised across the ICS as an expert in her field.  She has developed a training programme that sees a 100% success rate and has bolstered the nursing workforce for the Trust. Her dedication is palpable.  Catherine also facilitates the clinical skills programme for staff which has expanded under her supervision. Weekly training runs to upskill our clinical staff, and support direct patient care delivery with extended scope of practice.

Catherine is a valued member of the Clinical Education Team and is also highly respected by the International Nurses that she has trained. Listening to some of the nurses she has trained and reading some of the testimonials they have written, it is obvious that her compassion towards International Nurses is evident. Catherine told me that it is the best feeling seeing International Nurses transition to a Registered Nurse in the U.K.

Therefore, I feel that Catherine deserves an award for her commitment and hard work to help the transition of over 700 OSCE Nurses to U.K. Registered Nurses, helping to transform the care within our Trust.