Memory Machumi
February 2023
Health Visiting Team
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom




Memory is one of those nurses who you feel lucky to work with, as they embody so much of the skills, care, and compassion that nursing requires that they make you want to be a better nurse yourself.
Memory is one of those nurses who you feel lucky to work with, as they embody so much of the skills, care, and compassion that nursing requires that they make you want to be a better nurse yourself.

As a manager, Memory cares for her staff with as much compassion as she does for her clients. She personifies the spirit of retaining staff by ensuring they do not burn out, in the way in which she ensures that our caseloads are manageable (often taking work on if she feels they are not), ensuring we take all of our annual leave and time owing, and always asking how we are and remembering things which are important to us.

I see how Memory truly cares for the families that we work with - her supportive housing letters are filled with passion and she really advocates for her clients and their children with regards to health inequalities. Memory is able to build such supportive relationships with her clients whilst remaining professional. Clients often call Memory and I hear how she is able to offer reassurance, support, and a listening ear even in the middle of a very busy day herself. I trust her clinical judgment implicitly and she is always available to offer supportive advice or instruction for myself and the rest of the team.

Memory is also an incredible support for our students, supporting them with wisdom and compassion and helping to foster a passion for health visiting going forwards. Memory works incredibly hard, taking on so much work for the team, without taking or asking for any credit, and still manages to stay incredibly organized. She is a fantastic leader, and helps keep our team together.