Ines Srkalovic
May 2023
Mother Baby Center
Sparrow Hospital
United States




The biggest thing was the way Ines made me feel. She validated my emotions and reassured me time after time.
During our stay in the Mother & Baby unit, we had plenty of amazing nurses but the one that stood out the most was Ines. She was absolutely wonderful. She had solutions for everything. She anticipated my needs and met those needs every single time. As I think about my stay and look around the room, I see her answers to all my problems. I was hot so she brought me a fan. Pain? Ice pack. She was on top of it. The biggest thing was the way she made me feel. She validated my emotions and reassured me time after time. She made me feel like a person and not just another patient. She is an incredible nurse and an even better person. Thank you so much, Ines!