Jacki Wilkins
January 2023
Surgical Unit
Aspirus - Medford
United States




"An amazing nurse is hard to find, difficult to part with, and impossible to forget."
This woman was my saving grace. I went into the birthing center in the morning of March 16th. I went to see if I was going into labor. Within a short period of time, I went from having to do a C-section to an emergency C. Jacki was by my side the whole time. Due to how fast everything went, my family was not there in time so I was alone and scared. She stood by my side and stayed there until I was put under for surgery. She was the last face I saw before going to sleep, and the first face I saw waking up. My baby did not make it. But, this amazing woman performed uninterrupted resuscitation for almost an hour before she was pulled away, she did not want to give up. I asked every day I was there for her because I knew I had to thank her before I left to thank her for her compassion. It was such a hard day for us all. Everyone in that room tried their hardest and cared so much. But Jacki really stood out. She took our baby's death very hard. I couldn't ask for her to do more. This woman has so much passion for her job, but her being there with me through that day was everything. I was alone, but Jacki gave me the support I needed until I was with my family. I will forever remember her because of that day. Not because she was "another person on the job", but because she went above and beyond her job. She wasn't just a nurse that day. She was everything. "An amazing nurse is hard to find, difficult to part with, and impossible to forget."