Paul Loritz
February 2023
Bellin Hospital
Green Bay
United States




Sometimes, while working in the ICU, the best way to care for the patient is to support their family.  I was fortunate to have Paul as my preceptor so I could see firsthand his ability to make connections with the patient and/or their family while managing a critical situation.
Since I started at Bellin Health three years ago as a CNA, Paul has taught me the importance of providing compassionate care and exemplary service. As my preceptor, he taught me many lessons, and one statement that stuck with me was, ‘Most people won’t remember the treatment you provided, but they will remember how you made them feel.’  Paul showed me how to see the big picture.

Sometimes, while working in the ICU, the best way to care for the patient is to support their family.  I was fortunate to have Paul as my preceptor so I could see firsthand his ability to make connections with the patient and/or their family while managing a critical situation. He also managed to explain his decision-making process and the interventions he provided based on priority.  He emphasized the importance of offering a glass of water or tissue. These little gestures are what families remember and appreciate.  Paul is the definition of an outstanding role model for my coworkers and myself.  We are very appreciative of his hard work and dedication toward making us the best nurses we can be.  Thank you Paul for taking me under your wing and being there for me when I needed you most.


I have only begun my nursing career and couldn’t be more honored and grateful to be working with Bellin’s ICU department and the amount of knowledge they have to offer.  Although they all have been extremely helpful, there is one staff member that stands out, who is Paul Loritz.  I will be forever grateful for the knowledge and skills he is able to share with me.  He is able to assess patients according to their particular needs and as well be open and honest with the patient and their family members.  He stresses the importance of earning their trust.  Also, words cannot express the patience and willingness he shows with teaching a student, including myself.  I greatly appreciate every opportunity I am given, which allows me to aspire to become the best person and nurse I can be.  I thank you again Paul and know how much appreciation I have for you as I continue my nursing journey.


I think there is no one more deserving than Paul to receive the DAISY Award.  While being a charge nurse and taking care of his patients, he still makes time to work with all of us SNTs.  He has helped me through stressful situations and makes me feel confident in what I have learned.  He is like a big brother that looks out for all of us and is always there the second we need help.  I am very appreciative and grateful to have him around.


There have been multiple instances when Paul has gone out of his way to teach me and my coworkers in a safe and controlled environment.  In one instance, Paul oversaw an admission of a patient and guided me and another nursing student through the entire process.  I have not been taught so much by an RN in one shift as that one experience.  I am beyond grateful for Paul’s leadership and aspire to provide care with as much excellence as he does.


Over the past one and a half to two years working at Bellin, Paul has given me countless ‘nursing tips,’ opportunities, guidance, and support.  He is someone I can always go to with questions and he responds with such respect and in a way that helps me be a better caregiver.  Out of all the nurses I have worked with, he is one of the few who goes out of his way to take the time to make me feel like I am truly a part of a team.


Paul has been an excellent preceptor. He is always so eager to precept me, and I really enjoy the days that I get to be with him.  I am so appreciative of all the times that he has gone out of his way to teach me something, even when I was a CNA.  There are many times that stick out in my head when he has pulled me aside to explain something in great detail.  This has been helpful.  I have learned a lot from him so far, and hope to continue learning from him.  Also, Paul is so caring of his coworkers and I know that I could go to him with any problem I might have.  I definitely feel much more comfortable and experienced in the ICU because of him!  Paul, thank you so much for all you’ve done for me and the other SNTs/SNAs.


This note is to thank you wholeheartedly for taking the time to work with me and make me the nurse I am becoming. Not only have you gone out of your way for me, but my fellow coworkers too. You have really stepped up and taken us all under your wing, for which we are all thankful. You groomed us all to be professionals and made working with you an interesting and memorable experience. You are everything one could look for in a good mentor…and this gift does not nearly thank you enough!  It would be impossible to count all the ways you have helped me throughout this last year. It has helped to build me into the person I am today. I have really appreciated our meaningful discussions and have learned so much from you. I feel like we built a great rapport and I admire you so much for your kindness, warmth, and your ability to communicate with families. I hope to emulate those in the future! Not only have you been a fantastic mentor, but you have also thought me some key components to mentor others. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being such a great role model. I will forever be grateful for your guidance and kindness. I appreciate and treasure everything you have taught me. You have no idea how thankful I am.


Ever since I interviewed for the CNA position in the ICU and being employed here, he has shown me compassion, patience, and great learning experiences. Now as a graduate nurse, Paul has trained me with difficult patients that have needed critical care.  His dedication to my learning experience has been amazing. I have seen the negative turn into positive no matter the situation. Thanks to him, I always come to work ready to learn and bring compassionate care to the bedside. Thanks to him, I always look forward to the “pearl” throughout my shifts. Thank you!