Jenni Wilkes
June 2023
Allen Float Pool
New York Presbyterian Hospital- Allen Hospital
New York
United States




Her collaboration and team-based approach allowed us to advance care all the while promoting learning and education opportunities for her colleagues
I would like to take this opportunity to recognize nurse Jenni Wilkes. Over the years, Jenni has continually been a team player and an incredible partner to provider teams. This was demonstrated in a recent patient encounter. During routine Interdisciplinary Rounds, Jenni overheard that a patient she was not primarily covering needed a foley. Despite the primary nurse and team's best efforts, they were unsuccessful at foley placement. Jenni quickly came to the table to share that although a challenging placement, she successfully placed a foley on this specific patient during his initial admission. She went on to mention that she was training a newly hired nurse that day and she would like the opportunity to train and try to place the foley herself. Jenni took it upon herself to make another attempt and a successful one at that. This is one of many examples where Jenni goes above and beyond to ensure her colleagues are well supported and her patients are well cared for. Her collaboration and team-based approach allowed us to advance care all the while promoting learning and education opportunities for her colleagues. We are so appreciative of Jenni and her consistent dedication, hard work, and her "get to yes" attitude.