Kathleen Binell
June 2022
Mary Horrigan Connors Center for Women and Newborns
Brigham and Women's Hospital
United States




She then sat with me and just talked for a while, validating that it was okay to let it all out. She was exactly what I needed that night.
Kathleen was my daughter, N's, NICU nurse in February 2022. To say she left an impression on me, and my husband would be an understatement. Kathleen not only provided excellent care to N during her 6 days there, but she also made us feel like family. It is not an easy task to leave your newborn with strangers after being discharged from the hospital, but I was comforted knowing she was in the best care possible with Kathleen. Kathleen went above and beyond the day that I was discharged. I was 4 days post-partum, still very sore from a c-section delivery with a hernia, stressed, hormonal, and on minimal sleep. I did not want to leave N so was planning to stay the night on the recliner. I had a bit of an emotional breakdown after walking to Children's to try to get my pain medicine refilled as the Rx was errantly sent to my pharmacy at home. I was unsuccessful in getting the prescription refilled and was in a lot of pain. I also had to be escorted back from Children’s by a security guard because I technically was no longer a Brigham patient. My husband was home with the other kids, so I felt utterly alone and defeated. Kathleen took one look at me when I came back empty-handed, in tears, and knew I needed consoling. To make matters worse, N had just failed her car seat test so wouldn’t be going home the next day. Kathleen gave me a big hug and set me up with a nice shower and warm blankets for afterward. She then sat with me and just talked for a while, validating that it was okay to let it all out. She was exactly what I needed that night – she not only was caring for N’s well-being but her mom’s also. I still tear up thinking about how she turned my night around when I was at a low point with all of the stress of having a new baby with health conditions. Too often, the mom seems to get overlooked once she gives birth, but Kathleen went out of her way to ensure this wasn’t the case. Kathleen went on to continue to outdo herself with little special little blankets and photos of N during her stay. She has even kept in touch with us, checking in and asking for updates on how N is doing. You can tell that Kathleen truly loves her job and I can without a doubt say that she is the best I’ve encountered through the births of my four children. Kathleen is simply put a wonderful, compassionate human being, and we were beyond lucky to have N in her care.