Peyton Thompson
July 2023
5SW Cancer Unit
SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital - Madison
United States




She said that it was her idea, and she begged the doctors to try it because no patient deserved to be in as much pain and for the length of time that I had been in. 
On Thursday, I was in so much abdominal and hemorrhoidal pain that after calling the Nurse on Call and talking to my oncologist we called the ambulance and went into St. Mary’s Hospital around 6:30 pm. I had just been in the hospital the week prior and Peyton had been one of my nurses during that hospital stay. 

When I got to the ER on Thursday evening, they said I had ulcers inside my hemorrhoids. They gave me some sort of pain medication and took me to an observation room from 1:00 – 5:00 AM. During that time period, I asked and asked for something for my stomach pain, but they would only say they gave me all they could. On a pain scale of 1-10, my pain was at 15 all night long. To say the least by 5:00 AM when they took me back up to the 5th floor cancer unit finally, I was pretty much out of my mind with pain. Peyton was working when they brought me up. She was shocked at where they had been holding me and how I looked from being in all the pain all night. She got me settled into a room, gave me something for the pain, and told me to try and get some sleep. It had been such a terrible night I couldn’t settle down. Soon the early AM hours passed but my pain level just wouldn’t go down. Peyton was constantly coming in and out checking in on me. Soon the Oncology, Palliative, and our Waunakee Clinic Doctors were making their rounds. 

Shortly after 10:00 AM our Waunakee Clinic Dr. came in and said they were going to take me for an ultrasound and see if there was fluid on my abdomen that they could draw out a paracentesis test. A while later Peyton came in and I asked what happened that the team finally had an idea to run this test. She said that it was her idea, and she begged the doctors to try it because no patient deserved to be in as much pain and for the length of time that I had been in. 

Around 1:00 PM they came to get me for the test. The medications they were giving me just weren’t cutting my pain. The ultrasound techs found fluid in my abdomen and drew out 5.1 liters. My pain instantly went from a 15 down to a 4. When they were wheeling me back to my room, I remember thinking ‘Where is my pain?’. Peyton, my husband, and my son were waiting for me the minute I got back. They were shocked by the way my face looked without being in all the pain. I felt like a totally different person after the paracentesis. I went home on Monday then on Tuesday I went back to St. Mary’s for another paracentesis draw and they took 3.4 liters off. Again, on Friday, I went in, and they took 3.1 liters off. I am going in tomorrow, for another draw before my 2nd chemo treatment on Thursday. 

I don’t know where I would be now if Peyton hadn’t stuck up for me and all my pain and insisted that the doctors try the paracentesis. Both the oncologist doing the hospital rounds and our SSM Dean Dr. were shocked at the amount of fluid they took off the first time. I could finally breathe. 

Peyton, I truly believe you saved my life that early morning. I had been in so much pain and being put in that observation area from 1:00-5:00 AM I was mentally unstable, and no one was willing to help me until I got back up to the 5th floor and you.

Peyton, you made a difference in my life that morning and saved me and I will never forget it. I WILL FOREVER BE GREATFUL TO YOU and St. Mary’s Hospital is fortunate to have you as an employee. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!