Naritsara Wiley
July 2023
Emergency Department
VA Loma Linda Healthcare System
Loma Linda
United States




The patient began to slightly soften his yelling, it was noticeable that she was on her way to establishing rapport.  Sara was therapeutic and methodical in her execution of encouraging good hygiene.
For as much as we always love to care for patients, we always have a certain patient that everyone knows to be very challenging when it comes to providing care.   Respectfully, we have a patient that always arrives with disheveled hair and clothing, and is malodorous, unruly, rude, and demanding.  He arrived and without a surprise, as others were disinclined to help him, Sara was very accepting and willing to help the patient. Sara smiled, understood the mission and she jumped at the opportunity.  Sara took the patient to the Exam room after he yelled at her for helping him into a wheelchair. Sara explained the wheelchair is for his safety since he was using his crutches and holding his Foley catheter bag.  Sara kept a very sweet tone of voice with a pleasant smile during the entire interaction.  The patient was placed in an Exam room immediately after check in.  While the patient continued his dramatization and yelled at the nurse practitioner, he required several interventions, beginning with a Foley catheter change. Sara demonstrated care for the patient as she stayed with the patient for almost ten minutes, encouraging the Foley change while he continued refusing.  But Sara was resilient and persevered with a smile and sweet voice when the patient finally agreed; Foley changed, urine collected, and lab collected.  Sara maintained her professionalism and positive attitude during every communication and intervention with the patient.  The patient began to slightly soften his yelling, it was noticeable that she was on her way to establishing rapport.  Sara was therapeutic and methodical in her execution of encouraging good hygiene.  The patient never wants to get a clean face, much less, a bath and Sara was able to get some bath towels to his face, hands, and through his hair.  A feat I never witnessed with this patient.  When his visit was over, Sara retrieved his discharge medication, assisted him to the waiting room via wheelchair.   Sara offered other resources for home care or a ride home, and although the patient refused, he was satisfied with his care.  He calmly and politely left the Emergency Department.  Sara did not expect applause or recognition, because she is just a very kind, caring, passionate, excellent nurse with excellent interpersonal skills.  

Every day she comes to work, Sara is driven and professional as she demonstrates a willingness to always help the team.  She collaborates with other nursing staff members and fills in gaps where she identifies a need.  She initiated a plan with the First Look RN, that she will help in the COVID exam rooms due to high patient ambulance transfers and will return to help First Look station when more patients arrived.  he First Look RN agreed, and the plan positively aided in the patient flow, and patient safety with more nurses to assist, expedited patient IV starts and lab collections and immediate EKG retrievals. The immediate response aided in expedited lab results and medication administration for patients with chest pain and SOB. She returned to her assigned station without a beat and continued right into the next task, with a smile and positive attitude.  Sara is impressive, and a great addition to the Emergency Department team.  Sara is not often recognized, but when you ask staff members, they will immediately tell you, she works hard, is professional, and exemplifies the I CARE values of the VA.  Sara is committed to our veterans and is very deserving of a DAISY Award.