Lisa Pressgrove
June 2023
Utah Valley Hospital
United States




The first thing she told, and my wife was, "I'm going to get this baby home to you soon." And she followed through on that promise.
Lisa was the quintessential nurse. We have had amazing nurses in the labor and delivery, mothers/baby, and NICU, however, Lisa was a clear front runner.

Our baby B needed someone who could think outside the box and push him to be self-sufficient and Lisa was the nurse to do it. B was transferred to Lisa's NICU unit and the first thing she told, and my wife was, "I'm going to get this baby home to you soon." And she followed through on that promise.

She adjusted how he slept, when and how he ate, and those small adjustments made the world. He went from eating less than 30 ml a day to eating completely on his own in a matter of days. Lisa is so loving and kind to all the babies she is taking care of and all the parents who come to visit their babies. She taught my wife and me so many invaluable parenting lessons in the short time our baby was there, and she was always a beacon of positivity and optimism.

I would recommend any baby to go and see Lisa, she is definitely a one-of-a-kind nurse.