Kelli Whitt
June 2023
Emergency Department
East Tennessee Children's Hospital
United States




Kelli stood out in my mind for her competence, leadership, knowledge base, prioritization, and overall professionalism.
Recently there was an extreme emergency with a patient in full cardiopulmonary arrest secondary to a massive hemorrhage and needing to move from the emergency department to the operating room as quickly as possible to attempt to stop the bleeding. The patient was being cared for by the emergency physician and the emergency department nursing staff. Kelli obtained life-preserving vascular access by inserting a large bore peripheral IV and was administering a massive transfusion of blood using the Belmont Rapid Infuser. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation with chest compressions and emergency medication administration was being carried out all while there was extreme bleeding from the mouth which was overwhelming to the suctioning attempts. The situation was extreme and grave and yet the team was functioning at an enormously high professional level. Really the entire team should be recognized for their heroic efforts, but Kelli stood out in my mind for her competence, leadership, knowledge base, prioritization, and overall professionalism. I was the anesthesiologist who took over the patient's care from the emergency physician. Multiple staff from the emergency department assisted with moving the patient to the operating room. Kelli remained with us in the operating room continuing to run the rapid infuser and the pumps. While I had never directly worked with Kelli, because of her professionalism it felt as if we had worked together thousands of times and I felt extreme gratitude in having her there and concentrating on the complexities of running those pumps. The entire time in the operating room was one of ongoing resuscitation while multiple surgeons worked to stop the bleeding. Kelli is a true hero and would be the type of nurse I would want for myself or my family members if ever we were experiencing a life-threatening emergency situation.