Jennifer Wilson
March 2023
Labor & Delivery
Riley Children's Hospital at IU Health
United States




She made my daughter feel heard and respected throughout the entire process which was most important. Jennifer validated, consoled, assured, and comforted my daughter.
I am the mother, now grandmother, who first met Jennifer Wilson when my daughter was admitted to Riley to be induced due to pre-eclampsia with severe features. A little backstory, my daughter had her heart set to have her baby at a birthing center, as naturally as possible. For over 38 weeks, she spent her time researching, studying, and preparing her body for this day. However, instead of walking into the birthing center at 38.5 weeks, she found herself being admitted to the hospital. Once in her room, her emotions started to seep down her cheeks as nurses began hooking her up with fluids and medications. That’s when Jennifer stepped in and began her magic. She talked my daughter through what was happening, somehow calming her through her worst fears. She let my daughter express her disappointments and concerns then assured my daughter that although it wasn’t going exactly as planned, she was going to help her stay as parallel to her original birth plan while keeping both her and the baby medically safe. Jennifer spent the first day reaffirming that my daughter was in the right place and encouraged her to use her voice and communicate her wants and needs. I watched my daughter slowly begin to relax in her environment and accept this new birthing plan that was being presented to her. With all the research she had done, my daughter was so educated about the processes which allowed Jennifer to speak to her more as a peer instead of a patient. She made my daughter feel heard and respected throughout the entire process which was most important. Jennifer validated, consoled, assured, and comforted my daughter. We told Jennifer goodbye as her shift ended. Little did we know that long laboring would allow us the blessing of seeing Jennifer again. She walked into the room, excited to see my daughter, still laboring. Jennifer, a charge nurse this time, came in from time to time to remind M that she was just a few steps away. Another shift came and went. Knowing that she would be gone when my daughter delivered, she came to her room one last time, with chocolates, a hug, and a few more words of affirmation before asking other nurses in the room to please let her know when baby S was born. I had no doubt this was a genuine request. On my daughter's birthday, my first grandson, S was born. Not quite as his mama and daddy had planned, but both mom and baby are healthy. Thanks to Jennifer Wilson, my daughter will get to walk out of Riley Hospital with a beautiful birth story that quickly became the very best of the worst thanks to our friend, Ms. Jennifer Wilson.