Yvonne A Butts-Peterson
June 2023
Yvonne A
Yolanda G. Barco Oncology Institute
Meadville Medical Center
United States




She didn’t just administer chemotherapy into my body but she filled my heart with love and my mind with hope.
Being diagnosed with stage III breast cancer at age 51 was horrifying. Then to learn that I would need 16 rounds of chemotherapy literally knocked the wind out of me. Then I met my infusion nurse and all my angst disappeared. My nurse cared for me once or twice a week for 20 weeks in a way that was magical. She met my anxiety with calm; she met my tears with validation; she met my fear with information; most importantly, she met my wins with celebration. She didn’t just administer chemotherapy into my body but she filled my heart with love and my mind with hope. Some days, I felt like I was dying but my nurse encouraged me to keep going and to take it day by day, chemo treatment by chemo treatment. My nurse made me focus on all the things that I had to live for. Because of her, I made it through my 16 treatments. It takes a special person to care for cancer patients and their highs and lows and my nurse is one of the best. She is a true DAISY Nurse. I will be forever indebted to her.