Ann Winklbauer
July 2023
Forensic Nurses
Frederick Health Hospital
United States




After such a traumatic experience in my life, she reassured me that I would be okay, and for the first time, her genuine and gentle approach made me believe it 100%!
From start to finish and all areas in between Forensic Nurse Ann was kind, patient, attentive, and genuinely caring. Visiting with her was like breaking the surface to take a breath of fresh air! After such a traumatic experience in my life, she reassured me that I would be okay, and for the first time, her genuine and gentle approach made me believe it 100%! Walking back out into this world after leaving the hospital, I've found that I seem to have a newfound confidence after my time with Nurse Ann! I truly hope that she gets the recognition that she deserves for such a job well done. Thank you Ann for your care and kindness in a world where it seems to be dwindling. You are so appreciated!