May 2023
Internal Medicine Clinic
US Naval Hospital Okinawa




He created Jeopardy, wearing a wig, playing the song, and posing JCO-themed questions. It was truly wonderful to see his innovative leadership bring the department together to provide safe patient care.
LT Kyle Follebout RN is an integral part of the daily functioning of the entire USNHO Command. He is the unsung hero holding many different areas within the hospital together. His presence in our department as clinic manager is integral to providing exceptional care while also facilitating morale-boosting activities. With Joint Commission approaching, he became Alex Tribek at our weekly department huddle. He created Jeopardy, wearing a wig, playing the song, and posing JCO-themed questions. It was truly wonderful to see his innovative leadership bring the department together to provide safe patient care.

He is a leader I aspire to emulate; he makes personal rounds with enlisted, civilians, and officers daily to ensure the entire department is running smoothly. His ability to take additional time to connect with each member of the healthcare team is a trait every team leader should have.

In addition to his primary job as clinic manager in our department, LT Follebout is truly a leader st this command- Genesis Team Leader, Joint Commission Leader, Humidity Control Subject Matter Expert, and SterilProcessing Disinfection Subject Matter expert. As leader of a genesis team, he ensures compliance with training enrollment to ensure the hospital I prepared for the migration. When the key leader attended training CONUS, LT Follebout volunteered to rn the genesis team during an integral two-week transition.

LT Follebout is a key leader on the Joint Commission Preparation Team. He has led many process improvement projects to ensure we meet infection control standards such as re-writing the SOP for the new Medivator, the transesophageal scope, and the bronchoscopes. He has personally spearheaderd the command’s initiative to ensure humidity control at the entire command is in keeping with safe patient care. This initiative is no small endeavor in the sub-tropics of Okinawa!

In addition, he also serves as leader on the controlled substances inventory board. As if all these positions aren’t enough to keep him busy, he also recently became sedation nurse qualified. He not only provides 100% of the sedation for the gastroenterology department, but when the PACU was under significant short staffing, he volunteered to provide sedation for other departments to ensure surgical services could continue and provide care. By volunteering and taking up this additional patient care, LT Follebout stayed lateto accomplish other command collaterals. While some of us are enjoying th 96 hour liberty, LT Follebout is often found working the holidays as nurse of the day to allow for other nurses to be home with his/her family.

LT Follebout provides this compassionate care that we would all seek for our loved ones. LT Follebout is self-driven to provide enhanced care, as evidenced by working toward his master's, all while coordinating the busy schedule as above. LT Follebout is an exemplary naval officer and outstanding nurse leader. Please recognize him as he emulates the leaders we all strive to be.