May 2023
CE Lynn College of Nursing Florida Atlantic University FAU
Boca Raton
United States




Keeping that GPA while balancing her job and leadership activities is a testament to her organization and time management skills.
Mariah has volunteered her time as a leader in three nursing student organizations and as a student liaison to several faculty committees. Mariah does not take these positions lightly nor does she see them as a resume filler. She is extremely active and has accomplished much in the Student Nurses Association, Student Council of Nurses, and Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF). When NCF was about to go inactive due to lack of leadership, Marah volunteered to be President and found other students to fill other board positions. Remember that old adage, "If you want something done, ask a busy person"? Mariah is that person. And she maintains a 4.0 GPA while being a nanny to six children under ten years old! Keeping that GPA while balancing her job and leadership activities is a testament to her organization and time management skills. She is exceptionally bright, always smiling, and consistently helpful to her student colleagues.