Kelly A Baker
August 2023
Kelly A
Redington-Fairview General Hospital
United States




Kelly took time out of her day to provide her patient with important peace of mind.
On a daily basis, Kelly goes above and beyond with her patient care. The following are just three examples of her dedication to her patients, but there are many more.

One of Kelly’s patients was having difficulty with her oral chemo regimen. Kelly took the time to obtain pill boxes and then separated the pills by day and marked them am/pm. Kelly took time out of her day to provide her patient with important peace of mind.

While another patient was having treatment, Kelly was at her desk bent over and cleaning her patient's hearing aids.

A patient's husband called the oncology office and said the patient was sobbing in the background because she was losing her hair and it was her last hope of not looking like a cancer patient. Kelly decided to bring the patient in and shaved her head for her, all while the patient was sobbing and her husband was watching. I (Kelly's manager and nominator) was in the room for this and can say that Kelly and the patient were definitely rockstars.

There are many more stories of Kelly's care and advocacy of her patients. She has a big heart for all of her patients and co-workers, and she is very deserving of this honor.