Randa Ebrahim
August 2023
7 North
NYP Brooklyn Methodist
United States




She would hold his hand and provide him with emotional support. She would make sure that he was getting the best care possible, and she would advocate for him when necessary.
Randa Ebrahim had always known that she was meant to be a nurse. From a young age, she had always been drawn to helping others and had always felt a deep sense of compassion for those in need. So, when she began working at the hospital as a nurse, she felt like she was finally fulfilling her true calling in life.

One of Randa's patients was a man named L, who had been diagnosed with cancer and was now in the final stages of his illness. From the moment Randa met L, she knew that he was a special man who was part of our family. Despite his illness, L had a kind and gentle spirit, and he always had a smile on his face. Randa quickly became one of L's primary caregivers, and she spent every day by his side, making sure that he was comfortable and that all of his needs were met. She would sit with him whenever she could, talking to him and listening to his stories. She would hold his hand and provide him with emotional support. She would make sure that he was getting the best care possible, and she would advocate for him when necessary.

As the days passed, L's condition began to deteriorate. He was in a lot of pain, and it was clear that he didn't have much time left. Randa knew that we were going through a difficult time, so she made sure to be there for us as well. She would spend time with us, answering our questions and providing us with comfort and support. Despite the sadness of the situation, Randa never lost sight of the importance of making sure that L's last days were as comfortable and meaningful as possible.

We're grateful for Randa's care and we know that L was in the best hands possible. We could see how much Randa cared for L, and we knew that she was going above and beyond to make sure that he was comfortable and that his last days were filled with love and joy. As L's final days approached, Randa stayed by his side, holding his hand and providing him with comfort. She knew that L was ready to go, and she was at peace with his passing.

When L passed away, Randa was there with our family, providing them with comfort and support. Even though L is no longer with us, I'm sure Randa will never forget him. She will probably always remember the time that she spent with him and will always be grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of his life. L undoubtedly taught her about compassion, empathy, and love -- his legacy will live on in her heart forever. In the end, Randa knew that she had done everything she could to make L's last days as comfortable and meaningful as possible. This much is clear to me. She gave him the gift of dignity and compassion in his last days and knew that was the most important thing she could have done for him. L's passing was a loss for all of us, but Randa made his passing as peaceful as possible. L is finally at peace, and that is all that matters.