Kelli Montes
May 2023
Mother Baby
Hedrick Medical Center
United States




It is hard to pinpoint exactly what Kelli did, but somehow, she made an anxious new mom feel comfortable, and far more confident with a newborn.
I did not have the easiest labor with the birth of our first child. After an unexpected cesarean section, and lack of sleep for three days, Kelli showed me unbelievable patience and kindness. It is hard to pinpoint exactly what Kelli did, but somehow, she made an anxious new mom feel comfortable, and far more confident with a newborn. Kelli has 10 children herself and was a wealth of knowledge that I was so blessed to have shared with me. She helped me problem solve breastfeeding and latching issues, and never once made my husband or I feel silly for the millions of questions we had being first time parents. We had many good nurses during our stay at Hedrick and were impressed by all, but Kelli stood out above the rest, and I will always be grateful for the kindness she showed me in those very raw first days as a family of three.