Tammi Winkelman
July 2023
Stepdown Intermediate Care
Ascension All Saints
United States




Tammi is one of the most selfless and encouraging people I have worked for.
Tammi has had a very challenging couple of years (even without the COVID issues). She has been a role model on how to be a great manager, between all the staff shortages on our 3rd shift and the low morale in the hospital. I don’t know how she does it. Tammi has been so concerned about her staff on many occasions that she has come in on the 3rd shift to work as a floor nurse. She gets nothing extra in return for doing this. Not many managers would go above and beyond like that. She is always willing to stop what she is doing to talk if you need her. Tammi has had her fair share of difficult patient families to care for, from simple misunderstandings to missing items and family dynamics that get in the way. She continues to be there to help out fellow managers with a holiday weekend. She came in on a day she could very well have taken an extra day off. Instead, she came to support her fellow manager. When I asked her why she would do that she said to me - “It’s the right thing to do”! She is such an inspiration to her staff, somehow she can tell you if you are not doing your job the way you should and offer to help you improve by offering her support. I know other managers do some of these things too, but Tammi is exceptional at her job and somehow manages to keep her chin up and a smile on her face. I have worked with many managers in my time. Tammi is one of the most selfless and encouraging people I have worked for. I pray that she continues to be my boss for years to come!