Julie Thompson
May 2023
Van Diest Medical Center
Webster City
United States




Julie is a person who embodies love, home, and acceptance. She radiates such positivity and warmth that it is impossible not to feel at ease in her presence.
I brought my 5 year old son K into outpatient surgery on Tuesday. He was extremely nervous and I was mentally prepared to console him extra, both before and after the procedure. He was visibly shaking in the car before entering the medical center. 

But the moment that his nurse Julie Thompson walked through the door and introduced herself, his anxiety melted away. She made sure that K felt heard and respected. As much as she made sure that I was aware of the process, she also prioritized making sure K was comfortable and involved in his care. It almost seemed as if she had a sixth sense, any time K would start to get nervous, Julie would pop her head in to check on us. Even her "check-ins" were above standard. She would engage in conversation with him any chance she could and K was always smiling and laughing before she left his room.

Julie created such a calming and happy environment that K even told me how much fun his surgery was! He said he wished that he could spend time with Julie every day. That is huge coming from a very shy kiddo.

Upon discharge, Julie walked us to the front entrance, where K's dad and little brother were waiting for us. She spent time interacting with the both of them and wishing K well before we exchanged hugs and drove away. The drive was hard, leaving a person who created such a positive experience and connection to our family over the course of a few hours. But K and I discussed that she is now being that strength to others that need her help. We are truly lucky and appreciative to have been assigned to her patient list. 

Julie is a person who embodies love, home, and acceptance. She radiates such positivity and warmth that it is impossible not to feel at ease in her presence. We walked into your medical center nervous to be around strangers at a vulnerable time. Yet we ended up walking out to our vehicle feeling like we just spent time with family. I have no doubt that Julie creates these emotions in every patient who gets the pleasure of calling her their nurse.

Julie doesn't demonstrate compassion, she IS compassion. She makes patient care look effortless, which I know from experience is not always the case. Yet she showed consistency in her care regardless of if K was coloring in his book before surgery or screaming in my arms while coming off of anesthesia. She somehow managed to be even more calming during the latter. She made sure that I was comfortable along with K. Looking at us as a combined patient instead of a mother and a young patient. She made it clear that her priority was having K cared for to the best of her abilities, which meant offering me a warm blanket, a drink, or words of encouragement.

I have worked in healthcare for the last 6 years and have never witnessed the kind of interaction I saw between my son and his nurse that day. I am in tears just trying to figure out how to express how much she exceeded expectations. There are no words that do Julie justice. 

Nurses like her are extremely rare, and she, above anyone I have met, deserves to be celebrated.