Haley Slater Scancella
June 2023
Slater Scancella
Labor & Delivery
Overlake Hospital Medical Center
United States




I looked up and Haley was there looking right at me telling me everything was going to be okay. It was like a life line to grip on to when everything around me was making no sense.
When you envision having your first baby you picture being eager to deliver at 40 weeks with your husband by your side. You envision that moment a big, healthy baby lays on your chest and you just get to soak in every second. Life had a different plan for my delivery, it was very sudden and full of uncertainty but I will forever be grateful for the medical team that saved my baby. I will especially be grateful for Haley standing by me during one of the scariest moments of my life.

At 32w 6d I went in for a routine OB appointment when the doctor noticed my baby’s heart rate dropping during a contraction for an extended period of time. I had a healthy, routine pregnancy up to this point so I wasn’t too worried and thought I would be home in a couple hours. She sent me to the hospital for further monitoring. Haley helped get me admitted and instantly made me feel comfortable and welcome in a hospital environment. Within hours, baby’s heart rate continued dropping during contractions to the point where it slowed for over 10 minutes. I went from thinking I was going home in a few hours to being wheeled back for an emergency cesarean in minutes.

The fear of losing your baby that was perfectly healthy in your mind just yesterday while hearing that heart monitor slowly drop was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. My husband couldn’t be by my side as they wheeled me back due to general anesthesia and I felt so alone and scared. It was an out of body experience and my body kind of just took over with shaking. I remember a lot of rushing going on around me and bright lights in the OR. I tried to regulate my breathing and close my eyes until I felt someone grab my hand. I looked up and Haley was there looking right at me telling me everything was going to be okay. It was like a life line to grip on to when everything around me was making no sense. She helped me regulate my breathing before going under and said so many positive affirmations preparing me to meet my baby. I really can’t put into words how much her presence meant to me in that moment. It was all so fast and may not be something she even realized impacted me the way it did. I believe she is the one who took photos of my son after he was born so we could have that which I am also grateful for. She was also there as I was coming out of anesthesia to help process everything post op.

I believe God gave me Haley in that moment to tell me everything is okay and that I would get through this. I am forever grateful for the quick thinking the medical team did that day. F was born crying and healthy at 4lbs 8oz, he’s perfect. My son would most likely be a stillborn or have neurological damage if it wasn’t for the competency and confidence with which everyone acted on our behalf. Beyond that, I’m grateful for the presence of a nurse that saw how scared I was and decided to walk through that fear with me holding my hand, thank you.