Kristin Titus
September 2023
Resource Pool
Ascension Via Christi St. Francis
United States




Kristin would put her arm around my mom and give her strength as we digested that dad only had a small amount of time left to live.

In all honesty, I do not know where to begin or how I could ever put into words how impactful Kristin's compassion and caring were on my dad's last few days here on earth. She has a special place in all our hearts, and I know dad's as well.

Before getting sick this summer, my dad was an active and involved parent and grandparent. Always going to kids sporting events and ready to help all his family. His last couple of weeks were very hard for us all to watch as he rapidly declined mentally and physically and none of us could understand why. He was able to interact with us to an extent, but sometimes it was very hard for him. He quickly became dependent on others, which was not what he wanted or was used to. He was the rock and foundation of our family and truly loved being that.

Kristin first cared for my dad on Friday in July. My mom did not make it up before his breakfast was delivered. When she did arrive, Kristin was sitting with dad feeding him his breakfast to make sure he got some nutrition. She was so sweet and gentle with him. I spent most of that day up on the 8th floor with my dad and mom. Kristin checked on dad regularly, but also on mom and me. She made sure dad was comfortable and had everything he needed.

The next time Kristin cared for dad was two days later, on Sunday. When we arrived at the hospital, we all noticed dad had drastically declined from the day prior. We were scared and confused. Kristin made sure she got providers in the room to talk to us and understand what to expect. She stayed in there with us during those conversations, which were very hard. She would put her arm around my mom and give her strength as we digested that dad only had a small amount of time left to live. My mom, brothers, grandkids, uncle, and in laws were all in the room to love and support and spend time with dad…needless to say it was a very busy room.

Kristin first brought all of the grand kids cookies and told them she could get them as many as they wanted.... luckily they did not take her up on the unlimited cookies, but I have no doubt she would have done so. She had a cart delivered to the room with drinks and snacks so we could stay close to dad. Not knowing what the day would look like, she made calls and arrangements so that we could all stay after visiting hours ended at 8. As we all wrapped our heads around what was happening, she would come in and just hold my mom and sweetly talk to my dad. He was able to respond a little bit and she was able to get answers out of him that we could not.

Not long after 7, dad's breathing slowed down. Kristin was in the room as we all watched him take his last breath. She was there for all of it with us. She would listen to us tell stories about dad and be there to answer any questions we had. Kristin didn't leave that night until after 9:30. She was going to stay with us until every last thing was figured out. She was truly our angel on one of the darkest days any of us have been through. She sent my family a card and signed it "Lee's favorite nurse"....she's right. She was. Her caring and compassionate spirit when someone is struggling so hard is inspiring to watch. She went well above and beyond anything she needed to do that day. We want to make sure she is recognized for being the amazing nurse she is.