Eliza Y Portales Rodriguez
September 2023
Eliza Y
Portales Rodriguez
Harlingen Medical Center
United States




Eliza messages me on Wednesdays, Mom’s paracentesis day, to say she’s thinking of Mom, misses her, and if I am doing well. Above and beyond.
My mom’s health care required her to get a paracentesis once a week. She had this done at HMC radiology department for two years. Mom had a lot of different doctor appointments and procedures she had to have done through those 2 years. She hated everything except for her paracentesis on Wednesdays. She never complained about Wednesday. She actually came home in a better mood because of the friendships she formed in radiology. Her nurse was such a huge part of making mom feel loved and cared for. She formed a friendship with her nurse. She always came home in a good mood talking about jokes that she and her nurse shared or conversations they had. The nurse treated my mom like family and not just a patient. From my mom’s observation, the nurse treated all her patients with care and kindness. Mom hated that she eventually required the use of adult diapers and was embarrassed. The nurse had a running joke with Mom, calling the adult diaper her Victoria Secrets. She made Mom not feel embarrassed. Mom’s last days on earth were not the most pleasant ones. The small part that the nurse had in the end of my mom’s life was more like a huge part in my mom’s happiness and comfort.

After mom passed, the nurse not only attended my mom’s service, but she also made a visit to my house to give her condolences and check if anything was needed. She sent some of the most beautiful flowers to Mom. The nurse messages me on Wednesdays, Mom’s paracentesis day, to say she’s thinking of Mom, misses her, and if I am doing well. Above and beyond.

Thank you for making an unpleasant experience for Mom a pleasant one. You are such a good person with such a caring heart. One in a million. It is an honor to have Eliza Y. Portales Rodriguez RN from Radiology Department as part of the HMC Nursing Team.