Floserpida A Wheeler
September 2023
Floserpida A
Huntsville Memorial Hospital
United States




Throughout her care, Fida displayed confidence, deep concern, and outstanding competence.
My brother suffered a TIA and was admitted to HMH where RN Fida was assigned to care for him. She closely monitored him throughout her shift and kept me apprised of his status while learning all she could of his medical history and normal state from me. She continued her care for the following two days.

When I arrived in the morning, she reported that overnight his heart monitor had recorded several afib events which she had reported to the doctor. Her notice of and reporting of the afib let the doctors begin the protocols to treat his problems. Throughout her care, Fida displayed confidence, deep concern, and outstanding competence. Her actions made us feel that she was fully devoted to doing her best to help my brother recover. In addition, I was able to witness her helping younger nursing staff refine their skills as caregivers, instructing them in procedures that would help them better care for their patients. Then, after her shift was over, I saw her charting. Taking care to fully and accurately record events so that other staff members could have a good picture of the patients’ needs and progress.


Fida is one of the best nurses at HMH! She goes above and beyond for her patients and she’s always available to her fellow nurses. She has the biggest heart and is always smiling!


Fida is a very compassionate nurse who always makes sure to listen to her patients and provide excellent nursing care. Fida makes a huge difference!


Fida is an amazing nurse with skills that go far beyond. She has a heart as big as the sky. We had an altered patient the other day and he kept saying things like, “I’m going to die today,” “I’m going to meet Jesus,” and “I’m going to go be with the angels today.” He would remove his oxygen and his sats would drop into the 80s.

Fida was being Fida that day, so she stayed with the patient making sure he kept his oxygen on and took care of him. At some point during the day, the patient said his stomach hurt. Fida listened to him and had him go down for some kind of CT scan or MRI. Radiology called back saying the patient was having a Triple A. The patient was moved to ICU and was quickly life-flighted out of the hospital. I don’t know what happened to him, but what I do know is if I or my family is ever in the hospital, I hope a nurse would be as concerned about me as she was for him. When I talked to her about all she did, all she had to say was that she treated him like she would treat her own family. Fida then asked me, “Isn’t that what we are supposed to do?” Fida is very humble and has such a good heart for our patients. I believe she is a perfect example of what a nurse should be here at HMH.


One day we had a patient with a bad infection. When we got the patient, she was alert and oriented. The next morning upon returning to work, Fida was assigned this patient. She went into the room to do her assessment and after some time, she came out and stated, “This patient does not need to be here.” She said, “I’m not talking about this floor. They do not need to be in this hospital because we cannot care for her here.” Fida then called some doctors and the patient was sent to the ICU. Shortly after the patient was in ICU, the patient began seizing. The patient was then transferred out for a higher level of care.

Watching Fida pick up on things as a nurse caring for a patient is amazing. She always tells the nurses to not only look at the numbers and lab results but to look at the patient and see how they’re doing clinically. She says we are to treat each patient like family and that is what she hopes someone would do if her family was in the hospital. Fida truly treats each patient she cares for as if they are her own family. If I'm ever in the hospital, I could only hope to have a nurse with a gentle spirit and loving heart like she does. One with patience to look at the sickness and make sure I am getting proper care. She really is a nurse like no other. We are blessed to have her.


Fida is such a loving and caring nurse. Even while she is training a new graduate nurse, she still takes the time to show the new nurse how to care for the patients. She shows them how to check the tele monitor and she shows them how to listen to the patients’ needs. She always reminds the new grads and trainees to treat each patient like family or how they would want their own family to be treated. She is always concerned about the patient's room, removes old trays, changes linens, and always makes sure the patients have fresh water, towels, soap, and a toothbrush, or whatever it may be. I love to see her train the new nurses. She always has a smile and happy demeanor and never acts like the patient or new grad nurse is a burden. Fida is truly Amazing. She is one of a kind and loved by all!