Timothy Waterman
September 2023
Banner Thunderbird Medical Center
United States




Under an act of kindness, Timothy decided to rescue the patient's dog. After a long day at work, Timothy met up with the patient's son and took the patient's dog home.
Timothy took care of a patient on 4S. The patient was admitted with multifocal CVA. The CVA left the patient with residual weakness, including the inability to take care of herself or her dog that she left at home. The patient felt helpless, not knowing what to do with her dog. The patient's son decided that he was going to put the dog down, knowing his mother would never be able to care for her dog anymore. Under an act of kindness, Timothy decided to rescue the patient's dog. After a long day at work, Timothy met up with the patient's son and took the patient's dog home. The next day, when he came back to work, he was assigned to take care of that patient again. Timothy reassured the patient that the dog was safe and well cared for. The patient was very happy and felt a sense of relief. She was discharged to acute rehab that same morning. She left the hospital with her mind at peace. She can continue her journey at rehab and focus on her recovery from the stroke. Maybe one day, she will be able to see her dog again. During this difficult staffing challenge, Timothy was able to incorporate compassionate nursing care, and he went above and beyond his line of duty caring for this patient and her loved one (her dog). Timothy has been a blessing to this patient and her family.