Karin Craig
September 2023
3 West
Mercy Hospital Unity Campus
United States




You were absolutely amazing, and I know you told me basically that you were just doing your job, but I beg to differ.
I had knee replacement surgery and you were my afternoon/evening nurse. It has taken me a while because even though you called me a "star patient" I haven't had such a stellar recovery, so I've been consumed with pain management and rehab exercises rather than thinking of others. I'm sending a copy of this to both the head of Mercy Hospital Unity Campus and the director of Nursing. You deserve kudos!!!

You were absolutely amazing, and I know you told me basically that you were just doing your job, but I beg to differ. Even though the other nurses were also good, you were exemplary! Every action of yours was to see to my comfort. You refilled my water (without ice) at least a gazillion times. You didn't complain about the myriad times I had to go to the bathroom. You brought me warmed blankets when I needed them. You cheered me up with your comments. You recommended I order from the liquid menu early so I could "graduate" to the solid menu. You asked about my pain medication dose (one pill or do I need another 1/2 pill since the nerve block will be wearing off). When another nurse had a conflict with a nurse in the hallway (about disconnecting me from my IV for my "walk" down the hall), you stayed calm and didn't engage or encourage her in her disgust with the hall nurse. You stayed very professional.

I recognize that the public expects a lot from nurses (sometimes TOO much) and doesn't always express their thanks. So, keep this letter close enough to read on those days when you feel unappreciated and frazzled. That's what I did as an elementary teacher, and it really did help on those down days! You are GREAT!