Erik Wilson
September 2023
Emergency Room
Woodland Heights Medical Center
United States




"I have worked with dozens of nurses in Woodland Heights in most every department and Erik is by far the most talented nurse I have interacted with."
Our second quarter DAISY Honoree, Erik Wilson, was nominated and chosen for his thoughtfulness, kindness, and talent. He is an example to others, gladly sharing his knowledge, experience, and passion with his peers and those that come to learn from him. Erik received six nominations; "Erik was an amazing preceptor! He was very thoughtful of us students and took the time to teach us at every opportunity. He helped me start my first IV and I will never forget his guidance and kindness." "I am an AC nursing student and I got to talk with Erik and being around him during my clinical rotation in the ER. I learned a lot from him from the time I was with him and really enjoyed it. His is very passionate about what he does and is a very caring ER nurse. He was open to teach me and did it happily." "I loved the opportunity to learn from this nurse. Very encouraging and patient with all of us student nurses." "He stepped up to help us in a pinch. Without them, our hospital would have been in a tight spot. Erki's willingness to jump in with compassion and thoughtfulness was amazing. I'm so grateful to know that we have individuals like this working in our facility, advocating for both patients and their peers." "He always go above and beyond to help us out as student nurses. He is patient, caring, and an amazing teacher." "I have worked with dozens of nurses in Woodland Heights in most every department and Erik is by far the most talented nurse I have interacted with. He is excellent with students, excellent with patients, and excellent with co-workers. For example, he can came into a room where a fellow nurse was having a hard time with a skill and the patient was stressed. His presence was calming and demeanor was respectful. The patient calmed down and the nurse was able to achieve the skill nearly instantly. He is very talented on executing skills as well as calming patients. Erik is the nurse I want to be like." "Recently, I took my 19 year old special needs son to Woodland Heights ER. The way this nurse treated my son made a world of difference. The compassion and respect he gave eased my son’s anxiety. He spoke to my son as a patient that mattered. That is not always the case. With a full heart, I thank you. For his excellence of care, calming presence, and extraordinary example in helping to shape a class of new nurses, the 2023 Second Quarter DAISY Honoree is Erik Wilson. Congratulations!