Nisha Tripathee
October 2023
4 Main
WellSpan York Hospital
United States




Never once did she waver in her compassion for the patient.  She insisted that the patient always had someone with him during the dying process. 
The act of kindness and pure compassion that Nisha showed this particular day touched our hearts beyond measure.  Nisha had a stable patient who was supposed to be discharged that evening to a skilled nursing facility.  An unfortunate turn of events took place when the patient had aspirated on his lunch.  Nisha happened to be walking past the patient's room when she heard him attempting to clear his throat, and she felt compelled to check on him.  She immediately entered the room to find the patient's condition decline rapidly.  He told her while trying to clear his throat, "I feel like I can't breathe."  Nisha acted quickly by suctioning the patient, obtaining vital signs that revealed a low oxygen saturation, applied supplemental oxygen, and called the rapid response team, respiratory therapy, and the physician.  The patient was placed on high-flow nasal cannula and NT suctioned.  Those interventions helped stabilize his respiratory status for the next few hours.  After multiple checks and calling the family, the patient's respiratory status began to decompensate rapidly again.  Despite further nursing care and bedside interventions, it was determined that there were no interventions left that would help the patient recover.  Ultimately, the patient would pass. 

The provider was at the bedside and called the family.  No family was able to come to the bedside to be with the patient while he passed.  Between Nisha, the provider, and the 4 Main staff members, Nisha made sure the patient would not be alone when he passed away.  Not only did Nisha have an entire assignment and was being pulled in multiple different directions, but never once did she waver in her compassion for the patient.  She insisted that the patient always had someone with him during the dying process. 

When the family arrived, Nisha explained everything that happened, comforted, and even shed tears with the family.  This is not the only time that I have witnessed this type of compassion come from Nisha.  This is just engrained in her character as a person.  I think that it was truly a blessing that this patient had Nisha as his nurse that day.  No matter the outcome, Nisha provided the utmost compassionate care for the patient!