Violet L Bates
October 2023
Violet L
Level II Nursery
Columbus Regional Hospital
United States




I could see her knowledge and talent shine through as she voiced her thoughts and concerns while the team tried many different interventions to resuscitate the baby. 
By around 9 o’clock on a particular day, the birthing center was already very busy. We had a delivery shortly after shift change and admitted a couple of outpatients, one that was going to be a C-section and two that were in labor. Of course, having all of these admissions, the nurses were being stretched pretty thin. One of the fetal heart strips did not look very good, and it was decided that they would go for a C-section as quickly as possible. 
After assessing the situation, Violet notified me that they would more than likely want a recorder for the C-section, depending on how things were going. In the OR, Violet grabbed me a clipboard and told me to write down anything that happens and the times. After the baby was born, Violet and the nursery team immediately got to work stimulating the baby. The baby made no sound. The reality of the situation was setting in, but Violet and the rest of the care team worked very diligently. 
Watching the situation unfold, I was in awe of Violet’s leadership skills. She kept calm and constantly monitored the baby’s vitals and overall status to see if any of the interventions were working. I could see her knowledge and talent shine through as she voiced her thoughts and concerns while the team tried many different interventions to resuscitate the baby. 
Ultimately, Violet’s clinical judgment and experience saved the baby. As we headed towards the nursery, the family was anxiously waiting in the hallway to find out the status of mom and baby, as they had just watched multiple nurses quickly race to the OR. Violet had us stop so the family could see the baby. She explained what was going on and provided comfort to the family. She let the baby’s dad come into the nursery to be there and made sure he was informed of everything that was happening and why. 
I could tell by the tears in the family’s eyes that they were very grateful for all of the nurses, but especially Violet. I don’t know if they are fully aware of the true impact that Violet had on their baby’s life that day, but I witnessed it in not only the OR but the Nursery, too. 
I have always had a great deal of respect and admiration for our nursery nurses, but after this moment, it has been brought to a whole new level. We have true heroes on our unit, and Violet deserves to be recognized as one of them!