Kara Goodall
September 2023
Nursing Professional Development
UMass Memorial Medical Center
United States




Kara talked to her, soothed and comforted her, and did a silent assessment of the woman’s physical condition, as any clinical nurse would.
Clinical nursing is like riding a bike, you never forget the skills that make you good at it. This is true for one of our organization’s Nursing Professional Development Specialist, Kara Goodall. As a member of NPD Kara welcomes all our new nursing caregivers to UMMMC through Nursing Orientation. She knows how to be a UMMMC nurse and a great educator, coach, and leader. However, recently, she had to use her clinical skills to assist someone in great need.

The NPD offices are located in the Swift House found on the very busy corner of Oak Ave and Kendall St. During an NPD staff meeting, the group suddenly heard a loud noise followed by someone screaming. Everyone ran to the window to see that a pedestrian had been struck by a truck and was lying in the street screaming for help. Without hesitation, all of NPD ran to assist this person, but Kara’s actions are quite notable. While others called 911, assisted with crowd control and traffic, Kara got down on the street and crawled under the car where the woman was stuck. Kara talked to her, soothed and comforted her, and did a silent assessment of the woman’s physical condition, as any clinical nurse would. Kara relayed information to those around her about the woman’s condition and waited by her side until EMS and police arrived.

We were able to find out that it was actually a long-time UMMMC employee who was hit while taking a walk during her break. Kara and the others did not know that in the moment, but that is one of the great things about UMMMC nurses, NPD and Kara; we take care of all our patients like family.

The DAISY Foundation recognizes extraordinary nurses who go above and beyond. On this day, Kara truly was extraordinary and went above and beyond for this person in need.