Ashley Boss
June 2023
Peds Med-Surg
University of Minnesota Medical Center & Masonic Children's Hospital
United States




Even the little things can make a big difference in helping provide comfort to patients and families, and Ashley always makes it a point to wear a cartoon character on her uniform
Our 13-year-old son had just finished a 10-hour surgery where he underwent a total colectomy and had an ileostomy created. Ashley spent multiple afternoons and evenings with us at the hospital, and she was absolutely instrumental in the healing process for R and in providing emotional support to us as parents.

Her positive personality would light up our room each day, which was especially reassuring in those first 24 hours of recovery. Her approach was tender when she had to deliver an update to us that had the potential to leave us feeling crestfallen - like when she would listen for an increase in bowel sounds only to find they were on the quiet side. As our son's recovery continued, Ashley would be his biggest cheerleader - motivating and encouraging him when he walked physical therapy laps around the 6th floor. Even the little things can make a big difference in helping provide comfort to patients and families, and Ashley always makes it a point to wear a cartoon character on her uniform - whether it be Bluey or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

It is clear that Ashley thinks big-picture when it comes to her patients. She was reflective about his next steps of care and provided thoughtful solutions throughout his recovery. At one point, the weather outside was sunny and warm, and even though R was still hooked up to an IV, Ashley was able to help us get R outside for some fresh air. We are so thankful for her enthusiasm, professionalism, and level of care. She is an incredible nurse.