Colleen Wise
October 2023
Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital
United States




She was positive and informative on what has gone down as the scariest day I've lived through so far.
My mom was flown from Mercy to Fairview after the stroke that she suffered required a thrombectomy. After the thrombectomy, she was in the SICU, and Colleen was there every step of the way. She set the bar high. Throughout the day, when we were learning whether my mom would walk or speak again through checks every half hour, she was there with us, rooting for mom. She was positive and informative on what has gone down as the scariest day I've lived through so far. Each time she came to check on mom, she encouraged her by informing her of the gains she'd made since the last time. When she finally got a squeeze back in her hands, it was an ecstatic moment for everyone in the room. She's truly a gem and a fine example of what a nurse should be. She was kind and thoughtful to both my mom and the members of our family who went in to sit with her while she recovered. Thanks! (And if she gets to read this, Mom can walk and speak and has only limited weakness on the side impacted by her stroke.)