Alexis Deal
November 2023
Dupont Hospital
Fort Wayne
United States




Alexis was able to initiate interventions that, in my opinion, ultimately saved her patient’s life.
Alexis was in PACU and took over the care of a patient from another nurse. The patient was recovering from a urological procedure due to a kidney stone. Alexis noticed the patient had chills and was complaining she was so cold. Alexis then checked her temperature and found it to be elevated. The patient was also tachycardic and lethargic. Alexis had a gut feeling something was wrong.

Another PACU nurse did not agree the patient was febrile and saw no reason to be alarmed. She contacted the anesthesia provider who came to the bedside and saw the patient. He did not share the same concern for her condition and offered no new orders. Alexis then asked her charge nurse for assistance. The charge nurse assessed the patient who told her something was wrong. The charge nurse recognized the compilation of the patient’s symptoms (fever, chills, fatigue, tachycardia, sense of impending doom) as early stages of sepsis.

Alexis contacted the surgeon who then contacted his nurse practitioner. She came to the bedside and ordered an antibiotic, fluid bolus, and admission orders to med/surg. Despite rapid implementation of these orders the patient's condition continues to worsen with hypotension and labored breathing. A rapid response was called and the patient was admitted to ICU. She spent the next few days recovering from severe sepsis and was discharged home.

I want to nominate Alexis for the following reasons: Despite having only been a nurse for 2 ½ years, despite other PACU nurses and the anesthesia provider not appreciating the gravity of this patient’s condition, Alexis continuously advocated for her patient. She had the tenacity to not stop asking for assistance until someone listened to her. As her charge nurse this day, I am beyond proud of her resolve to do what is best for her patient. Sepsis initially presents with minor signs and symptoms that, as demonstrated in this situation, many can easily miss. Alexis was able to initiate interventions that, in my opinion, ultimately saved her patient’s life.