Jaclyn Wiley
September 2023
Post Partum
Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Temple
United States




The kindness and thoughtfulness of Jaclyn stuck with us after we left the hospital.

Our daughter was born on October 6th. We arrived early that morning for an induction. When we finally got to our recovery room after a long labor, it was after midnight. We were exhausted and ready to get some rest. Shortly after getting to our room, the baby started spitting up some. My husband stuck his head out the door to ask a nurse to come check to see if it was normal. Jaclyn was the first person he found. She was not even our nurse. She just saw that we needed help and came. As she entered the room, she saw that all the color was draining from our daughter's face as she was choking on her spit-up. Jaclyn quickly grabbed the baby from me, called for additional help, and managed the situation. She saved our daughter from choking. In the scariest moment of our lives, she remained calm and reassured us after the situation. Seeing that we were exhausted and terrified new parents, Jaclyn offered to take our daughter to the nurse’s station for a few hours so that she could monitor her closely and we could get some sleep. We were so shaken up in that moment, that we would not have gotten any sleep if our daughter had stayed in our room for fear that she would start choking again.

As I said, Jaclyn was not even our nurse. She had her own things that she had to be doing, but she was willing to do this for us and our peace of mind. The kindness and thoughtfulness of Jaclyn stuck with us after we left the hospital. In the craziness of becoming first-time parents, we never had a chance to thank her or tell her how much we appreciated her. I was constantly trying to remember her name or figure out if there was a way that we could find her. Months later while visiting a friend in postpartum, I decided to ask someone to help me find this amazing nurse. As we stood at the nurses’ station trying to describe her, Jaclyn came around the corner! My husband and I were both overcome by emotions at seeing her again. I still was not able to tell her everything that I had thought of at the moment. I hope that this is enough to show that Jaclyn deserves this DAISY.

We have waited so long to even submit this nomination because we wanted to find the right words. We encountered so many amazing nurses during the birth of our daughter and before we left the hospital. But Jaclyn is one that we will not ever forget. Sitting here now and typing this makes me emotional. I want her to know how amazing and appreciated she is. She went above and beyond and that made a huge impact on our family.