Sean Wise
October 2023
Family Medicine Clinic
Ochsner University Hospital & Clinics
United States




Sean Wise is truly an exceptional nurse who embodies the essence of compassion and commitment.
Sean is one of the most hard-working, kind, and helpful nurses I have ever worked with. He stays late in the clinic every single day to make sure everything is taken care of. He takes lunch after everyone else has taken theirs. He is always willing to lend a helping hand regardless of how busy he is or how many others have already asked him for assistance. And on top of it, he does it with a huge smile on his face at all times.

Our clinic would not function the way it is now without Sean. His selflessness and kind demeanor are also evident with the patients as Sean is willing to go above and beyond to make the patients feel at ease and heard both during the check-in process and while they are waiting for the providers. I nominated Sean Wise because of the outstanding standard a nurse should hold themselves to.

Sean Wise is truly an exceptional nurse who embodies the essence of compassion and commitment. With a perpetual smile adorning his face, he consistently goes above and beyond for our patients and everyone he works with. Sean's supportive nature extends to patients and their families, as he treats everyone with a warmth and kindness that establishes a unique and lasting connection with each patient. Patients come requesting him by name during their visits. His reputation is sterling, as no one ever has a negative word to say about him. Sean is not only a stand-up guy but also a master at building relationships with his peers, earning the respect and admiration of all members of the healthcare team. His integrity and unwavering commitment to the highest standards in nursing are apparent in all he does, and he communicates with clarity and effectiveness. Sean's empathy and pursuit of excellence shine through in his actions, making him a true asset to our healthcare community.

Sean is one of the most dedicated, hard-working, and kind nurses I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Whenever anyone needs help with something he is always there to pitch in however he can, regardless of what else he has going on in that moment. He stays late every day and makes sure everything is set up and ready to go for the following day. Our clinic would not operate as efficiently as it does without him. He not only goes above and beyond for his coworkers and team members but also for his patients. He treats everyone with the utmost respect and always makes them feel at ease throughout their appointments. He is there to listen to patients share their stories without judgment and is always willing to offer a giant hug when needed. I nominated Sean for his selflessness, dedication, and the joy he brings to our clinic every day.