Jennifer Wendley
August 2023
Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento Medical Center
United States




Jenna is driven; she speaks kindly but means business.
Jenna is a mover and a shaker! When Jenna witnesses a problem in her unit, she is motivated to find solutions. Jenna is active on many councils and is highly respected by her peers on the unit. Jenna is driven; she speaks kindly but means business. Every month she completes the unit newsletter. This newsletter is not a font and back kind of work, it is 10 pages deep some months.

With Jenna's devotion, she works with her peers to find methods to improve the culture of the unit, improve patient care, and increase patient outcomes. Jenna contributes to patient safety; she participates in a group of peers to evaluate events such as healthcare-associated pressure injuries (HAPI) and central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI). Jenna literally went nurse to nurse in the ICU to provide competency training when there was an uptick of CLABSI on the unit.

Jenna was a lead in a class to help with team dynamics on the unit and helped to present that content to peers in workshops. Jenna is an excellent nurse and cares for her patients as though they are her own family. When she is at work, she is all in and even when she's not at work you may find her making PowerPoint slides to present her points to appropriate parties for effective change. Thank you, Jenna, for all that you do for our patients and peers!