Amanito Porcalla
September 2023
Lieutenant Colonel Charles S. Kettles VA Medical Center
Ann Arbor
United States




Each day, you can witness Tito taking care of his patients like he would his own loved ones.
Tito is the epitome of nursing excellence, and it is a privilege to work alongside him. He is very well-mannered, a calm presence amidst chaos, and an ever-steady hand on the wheel when things get hectic. Each day, you can witness Tito taking care of his patients like he would his own loved ones. He does not only make sure that his patients are doing fine but also looks out for their families and everyone in the unit. He can be peacefully doing his work, yet he is aware of what is going on and is right by your side in a split second when you need someone. You never hear him raise his voice or say anything derogatory against anyone. He speaks his mind and shares his knowledge with humility and confidence.

Having Tito as your preceptor, you can be sure to learn the ins and outs of VA charting and be adept at reading EKG strips, for Tito will readily take time to sit with you until you understand this seemingly complicated and intimidating aspect of nursing. Tito goes above and beyond his duties and truly cares for other’s well-being, holding us all to the highest standards which he very naturally demonstrates. Besides being like the father in our unit, he is also the cheerleader. He would pioneer potlucks for everyone to share and he brings the most delicious food. He can singlehandedly boost the morale of the unit with his boyish smile and welcoming demeanor. He would even invite the ICU staff and other departments to join in our feasts as we would have plenty. Everyone is happy and relaxed around Tito, working together as a family. All this greatly benefits the veterans we work for. I would often hear patients singing Tito's praises and very grateful for his service.

Tito’s vast experience as an ICU nurse allows Tito to readily detect when a patient is in trouble and preempts needed interventions to prevent patients from going into distress and having to call an NRRT or worse, a code. This makes our days go by smoothly. Need help with a hard-stick patient? You can count on Tito to get them with one poke. Need help finding things in our unit? Tito would know exactly where they are. And when things are winding down, Tito would provide the soundtrack for yet another fruitful day at the VA.