Sally Girven
October 2023
1G Progressive Care Unit
Corewell Health West Blodgett Hospital
Grand Rapids
United States




Sally is one of the most caring health professionals to work with my mother since her diagnosis. Sally worked to consistently maintain my mother's dignity, always addressing my mother first.
My 81-year-old mother with Alzheimer's was admitted for a suspected blood clot. Sally is one of the most caring health professionals to work with my mother since her diagnosis. Sally worked to consistently maintain my mother's dignity, always addressing my mother first. Completing any questionnaire is difficult for my mother, but Sally quietly, patiently asked my mother each question, only looking toward me to confirm an answer. When it was necessary to do so, Sally waited patiently as I redirected and encouraged my mom, moving toward accurate responses. Neither my mom nor I felt rushed. Sally was incredibly patient when Ma would ask the same question(s) repeatedly in a very short time. Sally NEVER ignored my mother, often redirecting in a manner that had Ma laughing out loud. Given her diagnosis, Ma is often confused in unfamiliar situations, covering that over with frustration and/or anger. That Sally was able to get Ma to laugh so often during Ma's stay was nothing short of a coup! I LIVE to hear Ma laugh! Finally, Sally took the time to engage my mother in meaningful - if fanciful - conversation by asking my mom questions not to challenge her but to give her the opportunity to expand on her responses. Never did Sally question the veracity of Ma's "tales," NEVER did Sally lead me (or Ma) to believe she didn't believe my Ma's stories. I so appreciated Sally's care and kindness toward my mom and me; I valued even as much her awareness of my mother's need to maintain her dignity and her sense of self in the face of this horrible disease. Thank you.