Camryn Gisclair
October 2023
Intensive Care Unit
Our Lady of Lourdes Health
United States




Camryn's dedication to her patients is unwavering, and her presence is a soothing balm for both my mother and me. She is not merely a healthcare professional but an angel of solace.
I'm based in New York City, and my mother lives in Lafayette, LA. Despite the physical distance, we maintain a strong daily connection. In September, I received a call from an unfamiliar number - my mother's boss, whom I'd never spoken to before. She delivered the devastating news that my mother had missed her morning meeting and was unresponsive, prompting a wellness check by the fire department. The distressing discovery revealed my mother in bed, surrounded by vomit, the result of an intracerebral hemorrhage. Just the night before, we were joyfully discussing new paintings for her apartment. This sudden contrast thrust me into a nightmarish situation, with my 54-year-old mother fighting for her life. As soon as I could, I rushed to the hospital, arriving around 2 am. My mother lay in a hospital bed, tubes, IVs, and a shaved head with two missing front veneers. The image of her in that state, coupled with the fear in her eyes, was etched in my mind. With a heavy heart, I retreated to a nearby hotel, intending to return the next morning, praying for a glimmer of hope amidst the despair.

The following morning, as I mustered the courage to reenter the hospital, I encountered a transformation that was nothing short of miraculous. My mother's nurse, Camryn, greeted me with warmth and kindness that instantly put me at ease, and my mother's radiant smile affirmed that this was the right person to care for her. Camryn exuded a spirit of generosity and compassion that was palpable during every interaction. Until that moment, I had never experienced anything quite like it. My previous experiences in hospital visits were limited to regular rooms, and the ICU was an entirely unfamiliar territory, especially to see my own mother in such a fragile state. Camryn, however, made it feel like a haven of comfort and reassurance. I’m tearing up as type this, recalling the profound relief I felt whenever I saw Camryn assigned as my mother's nurse through the MyChart app, over the next few days.

Camryn's dedication to her patients is unwavering, and her presence is a soothing balm for both my mother and me. She is not merely a healthcare professional but an angel of solace. Camryn's compassion is so boundless that even when her shifts were over, she offered to pick up extra shifts just to be there for my mother. Remarkably, the grace and confidence with which she conducted herself left us astounded. She effortlessly addressed all our concerns and inquiries, without ever making me feel like a burden when I was bewildered by certain medical processes. She exuded a sense of assurance that my mother was in the safest of hands.

Today marks my mother's 29th day in the ICU, and by a stroke of serendipity, Camryn has been assigned to her care once again. Camryn's presence has been a beacon of comfort and support, and she has, without a doubt, become an integral part of my mother's journey to recovery. In the darkest moments of this ordeal, Camryn's compassion has been the guiding light that has kept us going. It is my fervent belief that Camryn is more than deserving of the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses. Her exceptional dedication and unwavering commitment to her patients set her apart as a truly remarkable nurse. She has provided a level of care and support that extends far beyond the call of duty, and she has made an indelible impact on my mother's recovery process. Camryn's selflessness and genuine empathy are qualities that should be celebrated and recognized. She is not just a nurse; she is an angel in scrubs, and she has my deepest gratitude and admiration. Camryn deserves all the awards and recognition that come her way.