Michael J. Giustino
November 2023
Michael J.
NHPP - Surgery and Smith Institute for Urology at Smithtown
United States




He was able to simultaneously calm the patient and make him understand the seriousness of the situation, and why certain procedures were necessary.
He is wonderful - he is always willing to answer questions, explain anything we and the patients do not understand, and make us laugh. There was one time that sticks out in my mind - a patient was arguing with us at the front desk, while we were doing our best to help him. He was becoming unreasonable, more inclined to yelling instead of having a solution to his problem, when our nurse appeared from the back and saved us. He calmly spoke to the patient, telling him his reaction was inappropriate, but also pulled him aside to speak to the patient privately. He reiterated what we were telling the patient, but was able to go into more clinical detail, with the reasoning behind certain comments in the chart. He was able to simultaneously calm the patient and make him understand the seriousness of the situation, and why certain procedures were necessary, and the patient sheepishly came back to the front and apologized. Our nurse is always willing to come to our rescue, without us having to ask for help! He always goes above and beyond for all patients!!