Catherine Ndivhuwo Mokoena
December 2023
Catherine Ndivhuwo
Labor and Delivery
Corniche Hospital
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates




I didn’t believe I could do it, but Catherine believed in me and encouraged me so much. My baby is safe and healthy, and I am safe and healthy - these most important things in life became possible thanks to Catherine.
I was blessed with having Catherine as my midwife when I delivered my baby. The labour was complicated with continuous CTG monitoring and the use of oxytocin to induce it, so I was limited with pain relief methods. But Catherine did EVERYTHING to help me feel as comfortable as it was possible that moment. She cared so deeply about all the details: dimmed the light, minimized noise around us, helped me with the pads to feel comfortable despite waters constantly coming out, and even arranged the wires of medical monitoring equipment in a way I was able to use hands as needed for different positions. All these “small” things made a huge difference. When the pain from the contractions was unbearable, she massaged my back, so I could keep breathing. But the real miracle started when it came to pushing. I didn’t believe I could do it, but Catherine believed in me and encouraged me so much. With her guidance, I managed to deliver a 3.6 kg baby without any cuts or tears. My baby is safe and healthy, and I am safe and healthy - these most important things in life became possible thanks to Catherine. Without her, I couldn’t even dream about such a delivery experience! God bless Catherine and her family! My family and I will never forget what she did for us!